Compulsory Purchase and Compensation
The first step with any Compulsory Purchase Order is to make sure you have a qualified chartered surveyor on side. Our surveying team are highly experienced and have represented both landowners and occupiers in a vast array of cases including easements and wayleaves, underground utility pipelines and cables, road, rail and waterway infrastructure.
No matter what your situation, we can offer reliable, expert advice and information that will represent your best interests. We always recommend getting advice as soon as possible: early input can be beneficial and can influence the favourable outcome of plans for all parties.
If you’d like to talk to us in complete confidence, don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at or contract one of our local offices in Swansea, Carmarthen and Tenby.
Our areas of expertise are as follows:
Accommodation Works
Acquiring Authority
Blight Notice
Compensation Claim
Crop Loss & Disturbance
Easements & Wayleaves
Injurious Affection
Land Compensation
Land Reinstatement
Land Take
Land Valuation
National Government & Local Authority
Part 1 Claims
Public Inquiry
Road, River, Rail & Utilities
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What our clients say:
We have been very impressed with the professionalism of Rees Richards and Partners in helping us deal with dispute resolutions and contract negotiations with utility companies. Excellent knowledge of local issues and very efficient, personable service at all times. Highly recommended!
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